Below you will find a list of the most common questions we get as bail bondsmen for Hamilton County, Indiana. Reviewing these common questions can help you understand your position in terms of obtaining a bail bond or using one to surrender to an arrest warrant. The best way to get professional answers to your bail bond inquiries is to contact our trusted Noblesville bail bondsmen for reliable and up-to-date information.
What are Bail Bond Services?
A bail bond, also known as a surety bond, is a financial guarantee to the court that the defendant will appear at each and every court appearance as the court mandates. Failure of the defendant to comply with the conditions of the court often result in a warrant being issued and the bail bond forfeited.
Where Can I Post Bail for Someone?
Most jails accept bail bonds 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 of the year. The Hamilton County Indiana Jail releases prisoners by appointment only !First make arrangements with your Uptown Bail Bond agent and your agent can make your appointment, 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days of the year.
What is the Cost of a Bail Bond?
Most bail bond premiums are ten percent of the full bail amount. For example, if the full bail amount is $10,000.00, the premium (fee) for the bail bond is $1,000.00 and in some cases $800. These non-refundable fees are established by the surety companies and regulated by the Department of Insurance. Most county jails have an additional $5.00 bond fee.
Can I Get My Money Back for a Bail Bond?
Once the bail bond is posted and accepted by a jail, liability is taken on the bail bond. At that point the bail bond premium is fully earned and unfortunately, is not refundable. As a result, there is absolutely no chance at getting your money back. To understand this better, talk to a Noblesville bail bondsman for a full explanation.
Which Person is Responsible for the Bail Bond Premium?
The indemnitor (co-signer) is financially liable for the bail bond. The indemnitors liability is limited to the full face value of the bail bond, or necessary fees to return the Defendant to the Court or Jail.
What Documents Are Required to Bail a Person Out of Jail?
A co-signer will need to have certain documents handy in order to bail someone out of jail. These documents may vary among jurisdiction, and even among bail bond companies; however, the general documents needed for a bail bond include:
1. Valid ID
2. Pay Check Stubs
3. Proof of U.S Citizenship
4. Proof of Age