If your son, daughter, co-worker, friend, or loved one has been arrested for a petty or misdemeanor crime, you can quickly get them out of jail if you can pay for a bail bond or cash bond. Not sure how that works? Continue reading to learn what you need to know about bail bond payments, including how to pay for someone’s bail in Hamilton County, Noblesville, Indiana.
Get a Fast Hamilton County Bail Bond You Can Afford.
Noblesville Indiana Bail Bond Payments
Depending on the status of the inmate within the court system, they may be eligible to bond out of jail. Bonds can be paid 24 hours a day at most jail lobbies. Bonds can either be paid in the form of US currency or a surety bond. A surety bond requires a licensed bond agent to process and a fee paid to the bondsman. In Indiana, all bondsmen are equal, the fee is the same the process is the same.
A cash bond may be paid with US currency, a money order made out to the County Sheriff Office, or with a credit or debit card, at most jails. Jail staff have no means to make change, so if paying with cash, the exact amount of the bond must be paid. When a bond is paid a receipt will be provided to the payer that will list the inmate upcoming court dates if available.
In most counties pursuant to I.C. 35-33-8-3.2, cash bonds posted for the release of a Defendant, upon disposition of the case in which bond is posted, may be applied to any fines, costs, fees, restitution, repayment of public defender fees of the Defendant and/or for any other purpose permitted by law.
Posting a Cash Bond in Hamilton County
If you are posting a cash bond for the release of another person, the only way the money will be returned to you is if A) the defendant appears at all scheduled court hearings, and B) the defendant is found not guilty, or the charges are dismissed. If the person arrested is found guilty or pleads guilty, the cash posted will be applied toward any restitution, legal fines, and/or court costs. If there are is any cash left over, it will be returned to the defendant, not you.
► Surety Bond Information: Please understand that if you are posting a surety bond (through a bail bondsman) there will be no return of the money posted. This money posted is like an insurance premium and is not returnable.
► Arrested Under the Influence: Any inmate arrested on alcohol or drug influence related charges will not be released until it has been determined that the individual is no longer intoxicated. Some jails will not even process (book in) an inmate until they are not influenced by the alcohol or drugs.
How to Get a Cheap Bail Bond in Hamilton County, Indiana
Call Uptown Bail Bonds at 317-919-2489 for affordable Hamilton County bail bonds you can trust. We are a family-owned and operated bail bond company that offers friendly and fast bail bond services for all arrests and arrest warrants. We also serve several other areas, including Madison County, Marion County, Boone County, and more! You can count on us for friendly service and speedy release is from the Hamilton County jail. Contact us to request an estimate for Noblesville bail bonds, today.