It is unlikely that anybody would want to spend any more time in jail than they have to. On the other hand, there are cases in which a person might choose jail over the opportunity to post their bail. But this is never a wise decision. Continue reading to learn the top 4 reasons why you should choose a bail bond over sitting in jail, dressed for the fastest and most reliable bail bond services in Central Indiana.

Bail Bonds are the Best Option After an Arrest or Surrender
Jail won’t do you any good. Your arrest might awaken some insight into your life choices and motivate you to do better; but jail won’t do much to enhance your attitude about reformation, which is why you don’t want to spend more time there than you need to. If you are preparing to surrender to an arrest warrant, be prepared to get yourself out of jail fast using a local bail bond. Are you still not convinced you should spend your money on a non-refundable bail bond?
These 4 bail bond benefits will likely change your mind:
Courts are Always Backed Up
The criminal court systems are jampacked with cases, each involving multiple court hearings and appearances of their own. This system sees little to no breaks in between. For this reason, pretty much all criminal court cases are delayed over and over again. If you choose to forgo your bail bond privileges, you can risk staying in jail for several weeks or months, even up to a year or more, waiting for your trial to be scheduled.
Employment is Essential
Jobs are important and fragile, as they can quickly be lost if too many days of work are missed. If you are employed, you really have no business staying in jail longer than you should. It is necessary for you to get back to work so that you can start generating income once again. This is especially important if you are the breadwinner of your family or have a spouse and dependents to support. You will need all of the income you can get, not just for your regular financial responsibilities, but also for your court and legal fees, attorney fees, fines, and lost time at work.
Custody Cases Can Be Impacted
Are you the primary custodian of your children? Is someone else the primary custodian of your children and you get regular visitation? Are you currently in the middle of a custody battle in attempt to get custody of or visitation rights to your children? If any of these scenarios are true, it is vital that you get yourself out of jail as quickly as possible. Spending even more than twenty-four hours in jail can jeopardize any type of custody case you are in involved in.
Your Criminal Defense Can Suffer
If you forgo your bail bond privileges and decide to stay in jail to save money, your criminal defense can suffer. While in jail, very difficult to work alongside your lawyer and help them build a strong and impactful defense against her criminal charges. If you are out of jail on bond, it is much easier for your lawyer to obtain the information and knowledge necessary to obtain the best possible outcome of your court case.
Are you looking for the fastest and easiest way to secure your release from jail after surrendering to an arrest warrant? Contact Uptown Bail Bonds at 317-919-2489 for safe and secure prearranged bail bonds for arrest warrants in Hamilton County, Indiana. We operate on a 24 hour basis, even on national holidays. Request a free estimate anytime.
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What to Do if Your Friend Was Just Arrested in Hamilton County Noblesville
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