Behind the Numbers: How Bail Bond Rates Work in Indiana

Navigating the legal system can be overwhelming, especially when a loved one is detained. One crucial element of this process is understanding how bail bonds work. For residents of Indiana, knowing the ins and outs of bail bond rates can make a significant difference in managing this stressful situation.

This blog post aims to educate Indiana residents, family members of detainees, and defendants with arrest warrants on the intricacies of bail bonds. We’ll cover the purpose of bail bonds, the bail bond process in Indiana, how rates are determined, and tips for finding a reputable bail bondsman.

Call 317-919-2489 to get Cheap Bail Bond Rates in Hamilton County Indiana
Call 317-919-2489 to get Cheap Bail Bond Rates in Hamilton County Indiana

The Purpose of Bail Bonds

Bail bonds serve an essential function in the criminal justice system by allowing defendants to be released from custody while awaiting trial. The primary purpose of bail is to ensure that the defendant returns to court for their hearings. For families, securing bail means that their loved ones can continue their daily lives and maintain employment while their case progresses.

Bail bonds offer a practical solution for those who cannot afford to pay the full bail amount set by the court. Instead, they can pay a percentage of the bail amount to a bail bondsman, who will then post bail on their behalf. This financial arrangement makes it easier for families to manage the costs associated with securing a defendant’s release.

Understanding the purpose of bail bonds can provide peace of mind and clarity during a challenging time. By knowing the options available, families can make informed decisions and better support their loved ones through the legal process.

Overview of the Bail Bond Process in Indiana

The bail bond process in Indiana begins when a judge sets a bail amount during the defendant’s initial court appearance. The bail amount is determined based on factors such as the severity of the alleged crime, the defendant’s criminal history, and the perceived flight risk.

Once the bail amount is set, the defendant or their family can choose to either post the full bail amount directly with the court or seek the assistance of a bail bondsman. A bail bondsman is a licensed professional who provides a surety bond to the court, guaranteeing the defendant’s appearance at future court dates.

To obtain a bail bond, someone must pay a non-refundable fee to the bail bonds agency, usually about 10% to 15% of the bail premium. Additionally, the bail bond company might require collateral, such as property or valuable assets, to cover the full bail amount if the defendant does not show up in court. Once the bail bond is secured, the defendant is released from custody and must adhere to any conditions set by the court until their trial is complete.

How Bail Bond Rates Are Determined in Indiana

Bail bond rates in Indiana are influenced by several factors, including the bail amount set by the court, the risk associated with the defendant, and the bail bondsman fee. Understanding these factors can help families anticipate the costs involved in securing a bail bond.

  • Bail Amount Set by the Court: The court determines the bail amount based on the nature and severity of the alleged crime, the defendant’s criminal history, and the likelihood of the defendant appearing in court. Higher bail amounts typically correspond to more serious charges or higher flight risks.
  • Risk Associated with the Defendant: Bail bondsmen assess the risk of the defendant failing to appear in court. Factors such as the defendant’s ties to the community, employment status, and past behavior play a role in determining the level of risk. Higher-risk defendants may be subject to higher bail bond fees or additional collateral requirements.
  • Bail Bondsman Fee: The fee charged by bail bondsmen in Indiana is generally 10% to 15% of the total bail amount. This fee is non-refundable and serves as compensation for the bail bondsman’s services. In some cases, bail bondsmen may also charge additional fees for administrative tasks or monitoring services.

By understanding these factors, families can better anticipate the costs associated with securing a bail bond and make informed decisions about their options.

Cost of Posting Bail Directly vs. Using a Bail Bondsman

Paying bail directly to the court requires covering the full amount upfront, which can place a heavy financial burden on many families. In contrast, using a bail bondsman allows families to secure the defendant’s release by paying a smaller percentage of the total bail amount.

  • Posting Bail Directly: Paying the full bail amount directly to the court ensures that the funds will be returned to the defendant at the end of the trial, provided they comply with all court appearances and conditions. However, this option requires a substantial upfront payment, which may not be feasible for many families.
  • Using a Bail Bondsman: By working with a bail bondsman, families can secure the defendant’s release by paying a non-refundable fee, typically around 10% of the total bail amount. While this fee is not returned at the end of the trial, it offers a more manageable financial solution for families who cannot afford the full bail amount.

Choosing between posting bail directly and using a bail bondsman depends on the family’s financial situation and their ability to pay the full bail amount upfront. For many families, working with a bail bondsman provides a more accessible and less financially burdensome option.

Benefits of Choosing Bail Bond Services

Opting for a bail bond offers several financial and practical benefits for families navigating the legal system. First and foremost, it allows families to secure the defendant’s release without paying the full bail amount upfront. This can significantly reduce the financial strain on families during an already challenging time.

Additionally, bail bondsmen often have extensive knowledge of the legal system and can provide valuable guidance throughout the process. They can help families understand their options, ensure that all necessary paperwork is completed correctly, and offer support in meeting court requirements.

Finally, using a bail bond allows families to preserve their savings and assets. Instead of liquidating valuable assets to pay the full bail amount, families can leverage the services of a bail bondsman to secure the defendant’s release with a smaller upfront payment.

Tips for Finding a Reputable Bail Bondsman in Indiana

Selecting a trustworthy and reliable bail bondsman is crucial for ensuring a smooth bail bond process. Here are some tips to help families find a reputable bail bondsman in Indiana:

  • Check Licensing and Credentials: Ensure that the bail bondsman is licensed and authorized to operate in Indiana. Verify their credentials with the Indiana Department of Insurance, which regulates bail bondsmen in the state.
  • Read Reviews and Testimonials: Check reviews and testimonials from past clients to assess the bail bondsman’s reputation and service quality. Positive feedback and high ratings can indicate a trustworthy and reliable professional.
  • Ask Questions: When consulting with a bail bondsman, ask questions about their experience, fees, and any additional services they offer. A reputable bail bondsman will be transparent and willing to provide detailed information to help you make an informed decision.

By following these tips, families can find a reliable bail bondsman who can guide them through the bail bond process with professionalism and integrity.


Understanding how bail bond rates work in Indiana is essential for families navigating the legal system. By familiarizing themselves with the bail bond process, the factors that determine bail bond rates, and the benefits of using a bail bondsman, families can make informed decisions and support their loved ones effectively.

Remember, selecting a reputable bail bondsman is crucial for ensuring a smooth and successful bail bond process. By checking licensing, reading reviews, and asking questions, families can find a trustworthy professional to guide them through this challenging time.

If you need assistance with securing a bail bond in Indiana, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our experienced team at Uptown Bail Bonds are here to help you every step of the way, providing expert guidance and support to ensure a smooth and successful bail bond process in Hamilton County, Indiana. Contact us today at 317-919-2489 to learn more and get started.

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The Fine Print: Deciphering the Terms of Your Bail Bond Agreement
How Much Does a Bail Bond Cost in Indiana
Decoding Bail Bond Fees: What to Expect in Indiana

Indiana Bail Bonds: What You Need to Know When a Someone is Arrested

When a loved one is arrested in Indiana, it can be a stressful and confusing time. You may not be sure of the next steps to take or how to navigate the complex legal system. An important part of this process is understanding Indiana bail bonds.

Whether you’re new to the concept or seeking more detailed information, this blog post aims to demystify the topic, illuminating the role of a bail bondsman and elucidating the bail schedule. We want you to be well-equipped with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions during this challenging time.

Call 317-919-2489 to Get in Touch with a Bail Bond Company in Hamilton County Indiana
Call 317-919-2489 to Get in Touch with a Bail Bond Company in Hamilton County Indiana

What is a Bail Bondsman?

A bail bondsman is someone who provides a financial guarantee to the court on behalf of a person arrested. The bond allows an individual to be released from jail pending trial, and it serves as a way for the court to ensure that the defendant will return when required. In other words, if they fail to appear in court, also known as bail jumping, the bondsman is responsible for making sure that they are brought back.

Bail bondsmen operate by charging a fee (typically 10% to 15% of the total bond amount) to provide this guarantee on behalf of an accused individual. In return, they post a bond created by the court system that ensures their presence at trial – usually in cash or collateral, depending on the situation.

What is a Bail Schedule?

A bail schedule is a list of predetermined bond amounts set by the court for specific offenses. It’s important to note that these amounts are non-negotiable and must be paid in full at the time of the individual’s release from jail. Courts may also require additional collateral, such as a lien on property or additional assets.

When it comes to Indiana bail bonds, there are two types of bail schedules: the state schedule and the county schedule. The state schedule covers all crimes throughout Indiana while the county schedule only applies to specific counties within the state. Depending on where your loved one is arrested, you may need to consult both schedules in order to determine the full amount of their bond.

What Are the Risks Involved With Indiana Bail Bonds?

When it comes to taking out a bail bond, there are several risks that you should be aware of. First, if your loved one fails to appear at court when required, the bondsman has the right to take whatever action necessary to have them returned. This includes hiring a bounty hunter or repossessing assets used as collateral for the bond. You may also be held financially responsible for any costs incurred during this process.

Additionally, you should be aware of any fees associated with taking out a bail bond. These typically include application and processing fees in addition to the non-refundable premium that is paid to the bail bond agency for their services. Be aware that there are certain restrictions on the types of bonds and bond amounts that can be posted. Make sure you fully understand any regulations or limitations applicable in your situation before moving forward with a bond.

How Do I Choose a Reputable Indiana Bail Bondsman?

If you’re considering taking out an Indiana bail bond, it’s important to choose a reputable bondsman. Here are some tips for selecting the right person:

Look for someone who has a proven track record of success. Ask for references from previous clients and read online reviews to get an idea of the bondsman’s reputation.

Make sure the bail bond agent is licensed with the state in which you are operating. In Indiana, this means having a valid bail bond license issued by the Commissioner of Insurance.

Be proactive in seeking answers. Ask as many questions as you need to make sure that everything is clear before signing any documents or taking out a loan from them.


Understanding Indiana bail bonds is essential if you find yourself in a situation where your loved one is in jail after having been arrested. With this information, we hope you have a better understanding of the role of a bail bondsman and the risks involved with taking out a bond. Additionally, you should now have some tips for how to select a reputable bail bond company in your area. It’s important to remember that this process can be confusing and stressful, so make sure you take the time to research all of your options and ask plenty of questions before moving forward.

By being informed and prepared, you can ensure that your loved one is taken care of as quickly and efficiently as possible. As always, the most important thing to do in this situation is to remain calm and take things one step at a time. This will help ease any worries or concerns throughout the process.

Are you looking for professional assistance from a licensed bail bonds company in Noblesville? Contact Uptown Bail Bonds at 317-919-2489 for 24 hour bail bonds in Hamilton County, Indiana. We also provide prearranged bail bond services for arrest warrant surrenders – we’ll get you in and out in less than an hour!

Related Posts:

The Do’s and Don’ts When Dealing with a Bail Bondsman
What Is Bail Bond Revocation and How Does it Work?
How to Use a Bail Bond to Surrender to an Arrest Warrant

What to Expect When You Post Bail in Hamilton County Indiana

Posting bail in Hamilton County, Indiana can be a confusing and intimidating experience. It’s important to understand the process before you get started so that you can make sure everything goes smoothly. In this blog post, we will discuss what to expect when posting bail in Hamilton County, Indiana. We’ll cover topics such as how much bail costs, who is allowed to post bail on your behalf, and which Hamilton County bail bondsmen are available for assistance.

By understanding the process ahead of time, you can ensure that your loved one gets out of jail quickly and safely while avoiding any costly mistakes along the way.

Call 317-919-2489 for 24 Hr Bail in Hamilton County Indiana
Call 317-919-2489 for 24 Hr Bail in Hamilton County Indiana

Evaluating Bail Bond Prices in Hamilton County

The first step in posting bail is to determine the cost. Hamilton County bail bonds are issued on a sliding scale depending on the crime committed and the individual’s criminal history. It is important to check with your Hamilton County bail bond company to get an accurate quote before you begin. The cost of a Hamilton County bail bond can range anywhere between 10% and 15%, so it is important to work with someone who can give you an estimated amount right away.

Finding Bail Bond Co-Signers

Once you have determined the cost of Noblesville bail, you must then find someone to post it for you. This person could be a family member, friend, or even a professional Hamilton County bail bondsman. Make sure whoever posts the bail has enough money with them to cover the full amount in case of any unforeseen complications. It is also important to note that Noblesville bail bondsmen are only legally allowed to post bail for Hamilton County residents, so you may need to find a local Hamilton County bail bond company if you are not from the area.

Hiring a Hamilton County Bail Bondsman

Although posting bail in Noblesville, Indiana can be stressful, it’s important to remember that Hamilton County has a number of qualified and experienced bail bond companies available that can help make the process easier. If you find yourself in need of bail, contact your nearest 24 hour bail bond company today and they can assist you with navigating the system and getting your loved one out of jail as quickly as possible. With their help, this difficult experience can become much less daunting.

Get Out of Jail as Fast as Possible With the Right Bail Bond Facts

By following these steps, you can ensure everything goes smoothly when posting bail and get your loved one out of jail safely and quickly. Remember to always do research ahead of time to determine the cost of Hamilton County bail bonds and which bail bond companies are available in your area so you can make an educated decision that best serves your needs. With this knowledge, you can feel more confident when it comes time to post bail in Noblesville, Indiana!

Why Hire a Bail Bondsman to Get a Release From Jail?

1. You may not have the full amount of money required for bail.

2. Bail bondsmen are typically available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

3. Bail bondsmen have a network of contacts that can help you make bail and get released from jail quickly.

4. Bail bond rates are regulated by the State, so they remain affordable for all income levels.

Are you looking for the most excellent Hamilton County bail bondsmen who can get you out of jail in Noblesville? Contact Uptown Bail Bonds at 317-919-2489 for the fastest bail bonds in Hamilton County, Indiana. We operate 24 hours a day and 7 days a week!

Related Posts:

How Much Does a Bail Bond Cost in Indiana
FAQS About Bail Bond Procedures in Hamilton County
The Typical Order of Events After an Arrest in Indiana

How to Get a Bail Bond for a Friend in Hamilton County

Did you just learn that your friend was arrested in Noblesville, Indiana? If so, they are being transported to the Hamilton County Jail as you read this blog. Continue reading to learn how to get a bail bond to get them released from jail as fast as possible, even it is in the middle of the night.

Hamilton County Indiana Bail Bonds
Hamilton County Indiana Bail Bonds 317-919-2489

A Quick Rundown on How Bail Works

Depending on the status of the inmate within the court system, they may be eligible to bond out of jail. Bonds can be paid 24 hours a day at most jail lobbies. Bonds can either be paid in the form of U.S. currency or a surety bond. A surety bond requires a licensed bond agent to process and a fee paid to the bondsman.

In Indiana, all bondsmen are equal, the fee is the same the process is the same. Please understand that if you are posting a SURETY BOND, meaning through a bail bonds company, your fee is non-refundable. Whatever amount you pay for your friend’s bail bond is like an insurance premium and will not be returned.

Arrested Under the Influence?

It is important to know that if your friend was arrested under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they are not going to be eligible for release for at least 8 hours. So, just go home, set your alarm, and be ready to help them once they are sober and can complete the jail’s booking process.

Bail Bond Companies Operate 24/7

The good news about Hamilton County bail bonds is that most jails accept bail bonds 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 of the year. The Hamilton County Indiana Jail releases prisoners by appointment only. So, first make bail arrangements with a local and licensed bail bondsman. From there, your bail bondsman can make your appointment, 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days of the year.

Where to Get a Bail Bond in Noblesville, Indiana

Call Uptown Bail Bonds at 317-919-2489 to get fast and friendly bail bonds in Hamilton County, Noblesville, Indiana. We are licensed and insured bail bond agents who provide fast and friendly, 24 hour bail bond services, including prearranged bail bonds for arrest warrants. And since we are the closest bail bonds company to the courthouse, the whole process can take only a few minutes! We also operate in Madison County and Boone County, Indiana.

The Top 3 Questions Everyone Asks After an Arrest

Whether you have just discovered an arrest warrant in your name, or someone else you care about has just been physically arrested, the top three questions you want answers to are likely the same inquiries asked by countless other Hoosiers in the same situation as you are in right now. Continue reading to learn exactly what you want and need to know when dealing with an arrest in Hamilton County, Indiana.

Hamilton County Bail Bonds 317-919-2489
Prison hands holding Steel cage jail bars. offender criminal locked in jail red colour tone.

When it comes to getting out of jail in Hamilton County, the key to speeding up the process is to educate yourself on what you need to do before getting started. This includes collecting necessary information regarding the arrest, understanding your options for bail, and most importantly, hiring a reputable bail bond company to expedite the entire process on your behalf. Begin with the answers to these 3 questions you are probably asking yourself right now:

How Do I Get Out of Hamilton County Jail?

There are several options available to get released from jail after an arrest. The most common method is to obtain a bail bond. If you are surrendering to an arrest warrant, you can simply hire a local Hamilton County bail bondsman to prearrange your bail and your release for the most efficient route. Aside from hiring a bail bonds company, you can also post your bond with cash through the jail, but be prepared to pay thousands of dollars. However, you do get this money back so long as you adhere to all court orders and laws.

How Much Will Bail Cost Me?

The price you pay to get out of jail will depend on a variety of factors. First, it will depend on the type of offense. Then, it will depend on the person’s criminal history and likelihood of evading the law. It will also depend on the type of method you choose to get out of jail, as well as the company you hire to provide a bail bond. The Indiana Department of Insurance regulates how much a bail bondsman can charge for a bail bond, and right now, those percentages are set between 10% and 15$%, which means a bail bondsman can charge anywhere between that range for their services. For instance, if bail is set at $10,000 and your bail agent charges 10%, you will pay a non-refundable fee of $1,000 for a bail bond.

How Long Will I Have to Wait in Jail?

Like the cost of bail, the amount of time you or your loved one will wait in jail for their bond to be posted will depend on a long list of factors. Such factors include the same ones that influence the cost of bail, as well as some additional factors, such as the presiding judge for your case, the amount of traffic versus staff at the jail, and the bail bondman you hire to get you out. Some bail bond agents have long, good-standing relationships with the local jails, giving their clients a slight advantage in terms of how long it takes to get released.

A question you should be asking yourself right about now…

Who is the Best Noblesville Bail Bondsman For the Job?

Call Uptown Bail Bonds at 317-919-2489 for fast and friendly Hamilton County bail bonds you can trust. We are a family-owned and operated bail bond company that offers friendly and fast bail bond services for all arrests and arrest warrants. We also serve several other areas, including Madison County, Marion County, Boone County, and more! You can count on us for friendly service and speedy release is from the Hamilton County jail. Call 317-919-2489 to request an estimate for Noblesville bail bonds, today.

Facts About Hamilton County Bail Schedules

Although most Indianapolis-based county jails accept bail bonds 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 of the year, the Hamilton County Jail only releases detainees by appointment only. In order to get yourself or a loved one out of jail in Hamilton County, you must first make the necessary arrangements with a local bail bondsman, and they can make your release appointment as soon as possible.

To get a release from jail for someone else using bail bond services, be sure to have valid id, proof of U.S citizenship, pay check stubs, and proof of age. Want to know how much it will cost to get a release from Hamilton County detainment? Well, that mostly depends on the county’s bail schedule, but also the personal discretion of the presiding judge.

Continue below to learn the current bail schedule for Hamilton County, and who to call for fast and friendly Noblesville bail bond services you can trust.

Hamilton County Bail Bonds 317-919-2489
Hamilton County Bail Bonds 317-919-2489

How Bail Works

Once an arrestee has been booked and processed into the jail’s database, which includes fingerprinting, data collection, and mug shots, they are eligible for bail, so long as the judge set bail for them. Bail can be denied in some cases. A defendant is almost guaranteed to have their bail rights revoked if they have a history of failing to appear for their scheduled court hearings. Also, those in probation or parole are likely to have their bail privileges denied by a judge.

Even if a judge grants bail, a bail bond company can still refuse to provide service for them if they believe they are a flight risk. If bail is set by the judge, the arrestee has the option of calling a local bail bond company. If they have the cash to pay their full bail amount upfront, they can choose to forgo bail bond service and pay their bond in cash. Upon completing all court orders, they will receive this money back in full. However, paying the full bail amount in cash is rare considering not many people have thousands of dollars on hand. For this reason, most people use bail bonds.

Bail Bond Services

A bail bond company pays the entire bond amount, in exchange for a small non-refundable fee between 10% and 15%. This fee range is regulated and controlled by the Indiana Department of Insurance, so no other bail bond company can charge more or less. The price of bail bonds are estimated by calculating the person’s total bond amount by the percentage charged by the bail bond company. So if an arrestee’s bail is set at 5,000 dollars, a bail bondsman will ask for a non-refundable fee of $500 to $750 for a bail bond. Look below to estimate how much your loved one’s bail might be set at.

Current Bail Bond Schedule for Hamilton County, Noblesville, Indiana:

Murder = NO BOND
Habitual Offender = $50,000
Level 1 & 2 = $50,000
Level 3 & 4 = $25,000
Level 5 = $10,000
Level 6 = $65,000

Class A = $2,500
Class B = $1,000
Class C = $500

Hamilton County Bail Bondsmen You Can Trust

Call Uptown Bail Bonds at 317-919-2489 for fast and friendly Hamilton County bail bonds you can trust. We are a family-owned and operated bail bond company that offers friendly and fast bail bond services for all arrests and arrest warrants. You can count on us for friendly service and speedy release is from the Hamilton County jail. Call 317-919-2489 to request an estimate for Noblesville bail bonds, today.

How to Get Out of Jail in Hamilton County Noblesville

If someone you know was just arrested in Noblesville, they are being taken to the Hamilton County jail. In order to get them out of jail as fast as possible, you will need some information. But do not feel overwhelmed; your first and only step is to contact a Noblesville bail bonds company for information and assistance.

Continue below to learn exactly how to get out of jail in Hamilton County, Noblesville.

Hamilton County Bail Bonds 317-919-2489
Hamilton County Bail Bonds 317-919-2489

The Arrest, Booking, Processing & More

Once a person is transferred to the jail, they are placed in a holding cell to await the booking and processing stage that includes fingerprinting, mug shots, personal data collection, and more, all of which is entered into a universal database system for the jail. This wait can take anywhere from a couple of hours, to an entire day or more, depending on how busy the jail is, the number of staff working, and whether or not an arrested person is intoxicated.

If intoxicated, jail staff cannot begin the booking process until the arrestee is entirely sober. This usually means they won’t even check on them for at least 8 hours. Once they are sober, they can be booked and processed. After the booking and processing stage, the inmate is typically eligible for bail, which is best carried out with the help of a licensed bail agent.

Using a Hamilton County Bail Bondsman

When a person calls a bail bond company, they are making a good choice. This is the easiest and most secure way to obtain a release from jail for yourself or another person. A bail bond company pays the entire bond amount, in exchange for a non-refundable fee. This fee is mandated by law, so no other bail bond company charges more or less for their services. Bail bond fees are figured by calculating a percentage of the total bond amount set by the judge. So if a person’s bond amount was set at $10,000 dollars, and a bail bondsman charges a 15% fee, the service will cost $1,500 dollars.

In addition to paying a fee, you will be obligated to sign a contract accepting responsibility for the remainder of the arrestee’s bond amount if they fail to appear for court. So if the person you bail out of jail doesn’t show up for their schedule court date, you are legally responsible for paying the bail agent the remainder of their bond amount. In the example above, that would be around $9,000.

Who to Trust for Fast Noblesville Bail

Call Uptown Bail Bonds at 317-919-2489 to get out of the Hamilton County Jail in Noblesville, Indiana. We are licensed and insured bail bond agents who provide fast and friendly, 24 hour Noblesville bail bond services, including prearranged bail bonds for arrest warrants. And since we are the closest bail bonds company to the courthouse, the whole process can take only a few minutes! Request a free estimate or information, anytime.

Central Indiana Jail Information You Will Need to Post Bail

When you or a loved one needs to post bail following an arrest or warrant, it is important to be prepared with the right knowledge. And in order to obtain the right knowledge, you need the proper resources. Whether you are prearranging a bail bond to surrender to an arrest warrant, or bailing another person out of jail in Central Indiana, groundwork and understanding are key.

Continue below for a list of pertinent jail information and links you will likely need to post bail in Indiana.

Hamilton County Bail Bondsman Company Indiana
Central Indiana Bail Bonds 317-919-2489

Contact Info for Indiana Jails and More:

Hamilton County Jail
18102 Cumberland Road
Noblesville, IN 46060
? (317) 776-9800

Hendricks County Jail
925 E Main Street
Danville, IN 46122
? (317) 745-9332

Marion County Jail I
40 S Alabama Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
? (317) 327-1574

Marion County Jail II
730 E Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
? (317) 266-088

Johnson County Jail
1091 Hospital Road
Franklin, IN 46131
? (317) 346-4716

Indiana Department of Correct (DOC)
302 West Washington Street
IGCS, Room E334
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Indiana Department of Insurance
? 1-800-457-8283

Federal Inmate Search

Indiana Courts

How to Post Bail in Indiana

Hiring an Indiana bail bondsman is the easiest and safest method for getting out of jail, whether for yourself or another person. A bail bond agent will cover the entire bond amount in exchange for a non-refundable service fee. This fee is regulated by the Indiana Department of Insurance, so no other bail bond company charges more or less for their services. Bail bond prices are figured by calculating a set percentage of a person’s total bond amount. For instance, if a bond amount is $5,000, a bail bondsman can charge anywhere from $500 to $750 dollars for their services.

FAST Hamilton County Bail Bonds

Call Uptown Bail Bonds at 317-919-2489 for fast and friendly Hamilton County bail bonds you can trust. We are a family-owned and operated bail bond company that offers friendly and fast bail bond services for all arrests and arrest warrants. You can count on us for friendly service and speedy release is from the Hamilton County jail. Call 317-919-2489 to request an estimate for Noblesville bail bonds, today.

A Basic Overview of Indiana Bail Bond Operations

Were you just issued an arrest warrant? Or do you need to get some you love out of jail? Continue below to review the typical bail bond process in Indiana, from the initial arrest and booking, to setting, posting, and paying for bail.

Hamilton County Bail Bonds 317-919-2489
Hamilton County Bail Bonds 317-919-2489


As soon as a person is arrested, they are taken to the nearest county jail. For instance, here in Indiana, if you were arrested in Noblesville, you would be taken to the Hamilton County jail. Upon transfer to the nearest county jail, the arrestee is placed in a holding cell that looks much like you would imagine. These holding cells are generally located directly in the booking and processing room. Booking and processing are terms that refer to the process of getting an arrestee’s fingerprints, mug shots, personal information, and more, and then entering all these records into the jail’s database system. 


An arrested person will sit in their holding cell until jail staff can begin their booking and processing. This can take anywhere from a couple of hours, to an entire day or more; depending on how busy the jail is, the number of staff working, and whether or not an arrested person is intoxicated. If intoxicated, jail staff cannot begin the booking process until the arrestee is entirely sober. This usually means they won’t even check on them for at least 8 hours. Once they are sober, they can be booked and processed.


Now once a person has been booked and processed, they are eligible for bail. They can either call a local bail bond company for immediate assistance and service, or they can call a friend or family member and have them call a bail bondsman. They can forgo both these options and pay their bond in cash, but this is rare considering not many people have this amount of cash on hand. If a person does choose to pay their entire bond amount in cash, a total that can be upwards of 10,000 or more, they will be released from jail and their payment will be returned when they appear for their scheduled court hearing.

Bail Bonds

When a person calls a bail bond company, they are making a good choice. This is the easiest and most secure way to obtain a release from jail for yourself or another person. A bail bond company pays the entire bond amount, in exchange for a small non-refundable fee. This fee is mandated by law, so no other bail bond company charges more or less for their services. Bail bond prices are figured by calculating ten or fifteen percent of the person’s total bond amount. So if a person’s bond amount was 10,000 dollars, a bail bondsman will ask for a non-refundable fee of 1,000 to 1,500 dollars for his services.

Bail Bonds Agreements

In addition to this fee, the person bailing a friend  or loved one out of jail with a bail bond will be obligated to sign a contract stating they are responsible for paying the remainder of the defendant ’s bond amount (in this case, $9,000 or so) if the defendant fails to appear for court. This means that if the person you bail out of jail with a bail bond doesn’t show up for their schedule court date, you are legally responsible for paying the bail agent the remainder of their bond.

Why do you have to pay? Because the bail bond company forfeits the monies they put up for the defendant’s release, with the expectation that they will receive that money back when the person shows up for court. If they don’t show, the bail agent doesn’t get their money back, but they do have a binding agreement with the person who signed for the bail bond saying they are legally responsible for paying the bail agent back.

How to Get Out of Hamilton County Jail

Hamilton County Bail Bonds 317-919-2489

Call Uptown Bail Bonds at 317-919-2489 for fast and friendly bail bond services in Hamilton County, Indiana. We offer 24 hour bail bonds, county and state bonding, free jail and inmate information, and we serve several other cities in Indiana; including Boone County, Madison County, Marion County, and more.

Common Questions That Start With “Can I Post Bail If”

If you are preparing to turn yourself in for an arrest warrant, it is wise to also start planning your release from jail. In this situation, it is normal to be asking yourself a lot of questions about posting your own bail.

Continue reading to learn the answers to the most common bail bond questions that all start with, “Can I post bail if.”

Hamilton County Bail Bonds 317-919-2489

Hamilton County Bail Bonds 317-919-2489

Can I Post Bail if I am Facing Felony Criminal Charges?

There are some criminal charges that automatically revoke a defendant’s bail privileges. These are generally the most serious violent crimes, like murder, sexual assault, kidnapping, and similar felony offenses. Whether or not you can post bail for your criminal charge depends on your state’s set bail schedule. Talk to a trusted Hamilton County bail bondsman for this information.

Can I Post Bail if I Have To Do it Myself?

It is possible to obtain a bail bond to get a release from jail all on your own, assumed that you have the money to pay a bail bonds company. All you have to do to post your own bail is contact a local bail bondsman in the same county as the jail, and get a prearranged bail bond before turning yourself in to authorities.

Can I Post Bail if I Have No Money?

Bail bondsmen charge a nonrefundable fee that is a state regulated percentage of your total bond; for instance, if your bond is set at five grand, you will have to pay a fee that is between 10% and 15% of that amount. If you do not have enough money to pay your fee, you can put up collateral, such as your house, car, real estate, or other significant asset. Otherwise, you will have to sell personal belongings, borrow money, or get a loan to get the cash needed for a bail bond.

Can I Post Bail if I Am Denied a Bail Bond?

If a bail bond company, or sleuth of them, deny you their services, it is likely because you do not have sufficient funds, or you have a bad reputation with other bail bondsmen. If your record shows that you are a flight risk, or habitually miss court dates, a bail bondsman will not want to back you with their own money. Instead, your only option would be to pay your total bond amount in cash or collateral. You will get the money or collateral back if you adhere to all court orders.

Can I Post Bail if I Have a Criminal Record?

A criminal record should not play a large role in a bail bond company’s decision to back you. The only thing they look for is whether or not you showed up to all your scheduled court hearings and never attempted to flee the state. They will back you so long as you can pay for their services and show up on time to your scheduled court hearing. Of course, there are sometimes exceptions to this rule; it varies from company to company.

Trusted Hamilton County Bail Bonds

Hamilton County Bail Bonds 317-919-2489

Hamilton County Bail Bonds 317-919-2489

Call Uptown Bail Bonds at 317-919-2489 to speak with a friendly Hamilton County bail bondsman about surrendering to an arrest warrant or getting a loved one out of jail in Noblesville, Indiana. We offer 24 hour bail bonds, county and state bonding, free jail and inmate information, and we serve several other cities in Indiana, including Boone County, Madison County, Marion County, and more! Call 317-919-2489 to request a free estimate, today.