Behind the Numbers: How Bail Bond Rates Work in Indiana

Navigating the legal system can be overwhelming, especially when a loved one is detained. One crucial element of this process is understanding how bail bonds work. For residents of Indiana, knowing the ins and outs of bail bond rates can make a significant difference in managing this stressful situation.

This blog post aims to educate Indiana residents, family members of detainees, and defendants with arrest warrants on the intricacies of bail bonds. We’ll cover the purpose of bail bonds, the bail bond process in Indiana, how rates are determined, and tips for finding a reputable bail bondsman.

Call 317-919-2489 to get Cheap Bail Bond Rates in Hamilton County Indiana
Call 317-919-2489 to get Cheap Bail Bond Rates in Hamilton County Indiana

The Purpose of Bail Bonds

Bail bonds serve an essential function in the criminal justice system by allowing defendants to be released from custody while awaiting trial. The primary purpose of bail is to ensure that the defendant returns to court for their hearings. For families, securing bail means that their loved ones can continue their daily lives and maintain employment while their case progresses.

Bail bonds offer a practical solution for those who cannot afford to pay the full bail amount set by the court. Instead, they can pay a percentage of the bail amount to a bail bondsman, who will then post bail on their behalf. This financial arrangement makes it easier for families to manage the costs associated with securing a defendant’s release.

Understanding the purpose of bail bonds can provide peace of mind and clarity during a challenging time. By knowing the options available, families can make informed decisions and better support their loved ones through the legal process.

Overview of the Bail Bond Process in Indiana

The bail bond process in Indiana begins when a judge sets a bail amount during the defendant’s initial court appearance. The bail amount is determined based on factors such as the severity of the alleged crime, the defendant’s criminal history, and the perceived flight risk.

Once the bail amount is set, the defendant or their family can choose to either post the full bail amount directly with the court or seek the assistance of a bail bondsman. A bail bondsman is a licensed professional who provides a surety bond to the court, guaranteeing the defendant’s appearance at future court dates.

To obtain a bail bond, someone must pay a non-refundable fee to the bail bonds agency, usually about 10% to 15% of the bail premium. Additionally, the bail bond company might require collateral, such as property or valuable assets, to cover the full bail amount if the defendant does not show up in court. Once the bail bond is secured, the defendant is released from custody and must adhere to any conditions set by the court until their trial is complete.

How Bail Bond Rates Are Determined in Indiana

Bail bond rates in Indiana are influenced by several factors, including the bail amount set by the court, the risk associated with the defendant, and the bail bondsman fee. Understanding these factors can help families anticipate the costs involved in securing a bail bond.

  • Bail Amount Set by the Court: The court determines the bail amount based on the nature and severity of the alleged crime, the defendant’s criminal history, and the likelihood of the defendant appearing in court. Higher bail amounts typically correspond to more serious charges or higher flight risks.
  • Risk Associated with the Defendant: Bail bondsmen assess the risk of the defendant failing to appear in court. Factors such as the defendant’s ties to the community, employment status, and past behavior play a role in determining the level of risk. Higher-risk defendants may be subject to higher bail bond fees or additional collateral requirements.
  • Bail Bondsman Fee: The fee charged by bail bondsmen in Indiana is generally 10% to 15% of the total bail amount. This fee is non-refundable and serves as compensation for the bail bondsman’s services. In some cases, bail bondsmen may also charge additional fees for administrative tasks or monitoring services.

By understanding these factors, families can better anticipate the costs associated with securing a bail bond and make informed decisions about their options.

Cost of Posting Bail Directly vs. Using a Bail Bondsman

Paying bail directly to the court requires covering the full amount upfront, which can place a heavy financial burden on many families. In contrast, using a bail bondsman allows families to secure the defendant’s release by paying a smaller percentage of the total bail amount.

  • Posting Bail Directly: Paying the full bail amount directly to the court ensures that the funds will be returned to the defendant at the end of the trial, provided they comply with all court appearances and conditions. However, this option requires a substantial upfront payment, which may not be feasible for many families.
  • Using a Bail Bondsman: By working with a bail bondsman, families can secure the defendant’s release by paying a non-refundable fee, typically around 10% of the total bail amount. While this fee is not returned at the end of the trial, it offers a more manageable financial solution for families who cannot afford the full bail amount.

Choosing between posting bail directly and using a bail bondsman depends on the family’s financial situation and their ability to pay the full bail amount upfront. For many families, working with a bail bondsman provides a more accessible and less financially burdensome option.

Benefits of Choosing Bail Bond Services

Opting for a bail bond offers several financial and practical benefits for families navigating the legal system. First and foremost, it allows families to secure the defendant’s release without paying the full bail amount upfront. This can significantly reduce the financial strain on families during an already challenging time.

Additionally, bail bondsmen often have extensive knowledge of the legal system and can provide valuable guidance throughout the process. They can help families understand their options, ensure that all necessary paperwork is completed correctly, and offer support in meeting court requirements.

Finally, using a bail bond allows families to preserve their savings and assets. Instead of liquidating valuable assets to pay the full bail amount, families can leverage the services of a bail bondsman to secure the defendant’s release with a smaller upfront payment.

Tips for Finding a Reputable Bail Bondsman in Indiana

Selecting a trustworthy and reliable bail bondsman is crucial for ensuring a smooth bail bond process. Here are some tips to help families find a reputable bail bondsman in Indiana:

  • Check Licensing and Credentials: Ensure that the bail bondsman is licensed and authorized to operate in Indiana. Verify their credentials with the Indiana Department of Insurance, which regulates bail bondsmen in the state.
  • Read Reviews and Testimonials: Check reviews and testimonials from past clients to assess the bail bondsman’s reputation and service quality. Positive feedback and high ratings can indicate a trustworthy and reliable professional.
  • Ask Questions: When consulting with a bail bondsman, ask questions about their experience, fees, and any additional services they offer. A reputable bail bondsman will be transparent and willing to provide detailed information to help you make an informed decision.

By following these tips, families can find a reliable bail bondsman who can guide them through the bail bond process with professionalism and integrity.


Understanding how bail bond rates work in Indiana is essential for families navigating the legal system. By familiarizing themselves with the bail bond process, the factors that determine bail bond rates, and the benefits of using a bail bondsman, families can make informed decisions and support their loved ones effectively.

Remember, selecting a reputable bail bondsman is crucial for ensuring a smooth and successful bail bond process. By checking licensing, reading reviews, and asking questions, families can find a trustworthy professional to guide them through this challenging time.

If you need assistance with securing a bail bond in Indiana, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our experienced team at Uptown Bail Bonds are here to help you every step of the way, providing expert guidance and support to ensure a smooth and successful bail bond process in Hamilton County, Indiana. Contact us today at 317-919-2489 to learn more and get started.

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Understanding Bail Bond Regulations in Indiana: A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating the bail bond process can be daunting, especially when faced with legal jargon and regulations specific to your state. For residents of Indiana, bail bond regulations and procedures are critical to understand whether you are a defendant, a co-signer, or simply someone seeking to be informed. This comprehensive guide will demystify bail bond regulations in Indiana, explaining everything from the basic process to recent legislative changes and common misconceptions.

Call 317-919-2489 When You Need Bail Bond Service in Noblesville Indiana
Call 317-919-2489 When You Need Bail Bond Service in Noblesville Indiana

Introduction to Bail Bond Regulations in Indiana

When someone is arrested and charged with a crime, they might be granted bail, allowing them to be released from jail while awaiting trial. However, this release usually requires a financial guarantee, known as a bail bond, to ensure that the defendant appears in court as required. Indiana’s bail bond regulations are designed to balance the state’s interest in ensuring court appearances with the individual rights of defendants.

Overview of Bail Bond Regulations and Laws in Indiana

Indiana’s bail bond regulations are governed by both state statutes and local court rules. Key aspects of these regulations include:

  • Bail Bond Fees: In Indiana, the fee for a bail bond service cannot exceed 15% of the bail amount for bonds under $10,000 and 8% for bonds over $10,000.
  • Bail Percentage: Defendants may be required to post a certain percentage of the bail amount, typically around 10% to 15%, which is non-refundable.
  • Bail Bond Agents: Bail bond agents must be licensed by the Indiana Department of Insurance and adhere to strict ethical and legal standards.
  • Conditions of Bail: Judges may impose specific conditions on bail, such as travel restrictions, regular check-ins with law enforcement, or participation in specific programs.

The Impact of Recent Legislation on Bail Bonds

Recent legislative changes in Indiana have aimed to address concerns about the fairness and effectiveness of the bail system. These changes include:

  • Pretrial Release Programs: Expanding programs that allow for non-monetary release options based on risk assessments, reducing reliance on cash bail.
  • Enhanced Oversight: Increasing oversight and regulation of bail bond agencies to ensure compliance with legal standards and protect consumer rights.
  • Reforms to Bail Schedules: Adjusting bail schedules to ensure that bail amounts are proportionate to the severity of the alleged crime and the defendant’s ability to pay.

Understanding the Bail Process in Indiana

The bail process in Indiana typically follows these steps:

  1. Arrest and Booking: After an arrest, the individual is taken to a local jail for booking, where personal information and details about the alleged crime are recorded.
  2. Bail Hearing: During the initial court appearance or bail hearing, a judge determines whether the defendant is eligible for bail and sets the amount based on factors like the severity of the crime, prior criminal history, and flight risk.
  3. Posting Bail: If bail is granted, the defendant (or a co-signer) can post the full bail amount or use a bail bond company to secure release. Using a bail bond involves paying a non-refundable fee, typically 10% to 15% of the total bail amount, to a bail bondsman.
  4. Release from Jail: Once bail is posted, the defendant is released from jail with the understanding that they must appear at all court proceedings.

The Role of Bail Bond Co-Signers

A co-signer, also known as an indemnitor, plays a vital part in the bail bond process. By co-signing a bail bond, this person assumes responsibility for ensuring that the defendant complies with all court requirements and appears for scheduled hearings. Should the defendant fail to appear, the co-signer may be liable for the full bail amount and any additional costs incurred by the bail bond company in locating and returning the defendant to custody. Responsibilities of a co-signer include:

  • Financial Liability: Co-signers must understand that they are financially responsible for the full bail amount if the defendant skips bail.
  • Monitoring Compliance: Co-signers should actively monitor the defendant’s compliance with court orders and attendance at hearings.
  • Communication: Maintaining open lines of communication with the bail bondsman and the defendant is essential.

Tips for Co-Signers and Defendants

For those involved in the bail bond process, here are some valuable tips:

  • Understand the Terms: Ensure you fully understand the terms and conditions of the bail bond agreement before signing.
  • Communicate Clearly: Maintain regular communication with the bail bondsman and the defendant to ensure compliance with court requirements.
  • Be Prepared: Have a plan in place for covering the bail amount if the defendant fails to appear in court.

Common Misconceptions About Bail Bonds in Indiana

Misunderstandings about the bail bond process can lead to confusion and costly mistakes. Common misconceptions include:

  • Bail Bond Fees Are Refundable: The fees paid to a bail bondsman are non-refundable, even if the defendant appears at all court hearings.
  • Skipping Bail Has No Consequences: Failing to appear in court can result in severe penalties, including forfeiture of the bail amount, additional charges, and financial liability for the co-signer.
  • Bail Guarantees Release: Bail ensures the defendant’s temporary release but does not guarantee they will avoid jail time if convicted.


Understanding bail bond regulations in Indiana is crucial for defendants, co-signers, and anyone involved in the criminal justice system. Knowledge of the bail process, recent legislative changes, and common misconceptions can help ensure a smoother experience and avoid costly mistakes.

Did you just get that dreaded collect phone call? If you or a loved one needs assistance navigating the bail bond process, contact our experienced team at Uptown Bail Bonds at 317-919-2489 for fast and affordable bail bond service in Noblesville, Indiana. Our licensed and insured bail bondsmen are here to help you understand your options and guide you through every step. Reach out to us via email or phone today!

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Decoding Bail Bond Fees: What to Expect in Indiana

Navigating through the legal jargon of bail bonds can be a daunting task. This becomes especially challenging when facing an unexpected arrest and the immediate need for a bail bond in Indiana. This post will serve as your guide, helping you understand the financial implications of bail bonds, primarily focusing on bail bond fees, the concept of collateral, and the critical elements of a bail bond contract.

The objective is to equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions and understand the financial commitments involved when signing a bail bond contract. Let’s delve into decoding the maze that is bail bond fees in Indiana.

Hamilton County Bail Bonds 317-919-2489
Hamilton County Bail Bonds 317-919-2489

Understanding Bail Bonds and Fees

When arrested, a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. As per the basic tenet of the criminal justice system, an individual is allowed to seek release from custody while awaiting trial. However, not everyone has enough cash on hand to post bail and secure their freedom immediately. This is where bail bonds come in.

A bail bond serves as an insurance policy, guaranteeing that the accused will appear in court when required. It is a legal document that the defendant or their family/friends can secure from a licensed bail bond agent for a non-refundable fee. Once signed, it becomes the responsibility of the bail bond agent to ensure that the defendant appears in court at each scheduled hearing.

The cost of obtaining a bail bond is typically 10% to 15% of the total amount set by the court as bail. This fee may seem small, but it can still be a substantial sum, especially for high-profile cases with large bails. For instance, if the court sets a $20,000 bail, you will need to pay anywhere between $2,000 and $3,000 to secure a bail bond. This fee is non-refundable. While this bail bond percentage spectrum may seem straightforward, there are additional costs involved that many people fail to consider when securing a bail bond.

Collateral and Additional Fees

In some cases, the bail bonds agent will require collateral from the defendant or their family/friends as an extra layer of security. This usually happens if the court sets a high bail amount, and the risk of the defendant not appearing in court is deemed significant. Collateral can take various forms, such as property or valuable items, and its value must match or exceed the amount of the bail bond.

Moreover, there may be additional fees that are not included in the 10% fee charged by the bail bond agent. These costs include administrative fees, travel expenses for the bail bonds agent if they must travel to secure the release of the defendant, and late fees if the defendant fails to appear in court as scheduled.

The Bail Bond Contract

Before signing a bail bond contract, it is crucial to understand its components fully. A bail bond contract is a legal document that binds the defendant, their cosigner (if applicable), and the bail bond agent. It outlines the responsibilities and obligations of each party, including the terms of payment, the conditions for release, and consequences if those terms are not met.

It is important to read through and understand all the terms and conditions before signing a bail bond contract. Pay close attention to any additional fees or charges that may be incurred, as well as details about collateral requirements. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask the bail bond agent before signing.


Although securing a bail bond is often necessary for release from custody, it is essential to fully understand the financial implications and responsibilities involved. Knowing what to expect in terms of bail bond fees, collateral requirements, and bail bond contract details can help you make informed decisions and avoid any surprises later on. Remember, when in doubt, consult with a licensed bail bond agent or legal counsel to ensure that you fully understand the terms and conditions before signing a bail bond contract.

Are you looking for a Noblesville bail bond company that you feel comfortable with and that you can afford? Contact us at 317-919-2489 to get started with prearranged Hamilton County Indiana bail bond services you can trust. We operate 24/7 and offer free advice and jail information too.

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How Much Does a Bail Bond Cost in Indiana

When someone is arrested, one of the first things they worry about is how much their bail will cost. The amount of money required to post bail varies by state, and in Indiana it’s typically set at 10% of the total bond amount. So, if you’re arrested and charged with a felony that has a $10,000 bond, you would need to pay $1,000 to be released from jail while your trial is pending.

Continue below to explore this topic in further detail.

For Cheap Bail Bonds in Hamilton County, Call 317-919-2489 Now!
For Cheap Bail Bonds in Hamilton County, Call 317-919-2489 Now!

Average Bail Bond Prices in Indiana

The average bail bond prices in Indiana vary depending on the county you are in. In Marion County, the average bail bond price is $10,000. In Lake County, the average bail bond price is $15,000. And in Hamilton County, the average bail bond price is $8,000.

The type of crime that the defendant is accused of also affects the cost of a bail bond. For example, if the defendant has been charged with murder, they may be subject to higher bail amounts than someone facing a minor charge such as shoplifting or disorderly conduct. Furthermore, a judge can impose additional restrictions that could increase the amount of money that needs to be paid for a bond.

The bail agency you choose will also affect the cost of your bond. There are many different agencies throughout Indiana, each with a different fee structure. Some charge an upfront fee while others may offer discounts or payment plans. Bail bond companies typically charge a fee of 10%, but as high as 15% of the total bail amount. This fee can be expensive, but it may be worth it if it means that you can get out of jail quickly. It’s important to do your research and compare prices before choosing an agency to work with.

Additionally, the amount of collateral needed to secure a bond will also influence the cost of your bail bond. Collateral is an item of value that guarantees the defendant’s appearance in court and can include items such as property, vehicles, or cash. The more valuable the collateral, the lower the cost of your bond.

Ultimately, the cost of a bail bond in Indiana is determined by many different factors. It’s important to do your research and compare prices before making a decision. Additionally, it’s important to understand all the potential costs associated with a bond before signing any paperwork or paying any money. Doing so can help ensure that you get the best deal possible and that you’re not taking on any unnecessary risks.

How to Get Help if You Can’t Afford to Post Bail

If you are unable to post bail, you may ask the court for a bail reduction hearing. The court will consider your ability to pay bail and whether you are a flight risk before making a decision. If the court agrees to reduce your bail, you will be released from custody pending your trial.

If you are unable to post bail and do not want to wait for a bail reduction hearing, you may want to consider getting help from a Noblesville bail bond company. Contact Uptown Bail Bonds at 317-919-2489 for the fastest and most affordable bail bonds in Hamilton County, Indiana. We also provide prearranged bail for arrest warrant surrenders.

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Do Bail Bonds Cost More for Felony Arrests?

It is common knowledge that a felony arrest is a bit more serious than a misdemeanor arrest. Those arrested on a felony charge are tried and sentenced on a federal level rather than a state level, so the resulting legal penalties and social consequences are generally harsher than that of a misdemeanor conviction. Although felony arrests are serious, most defendants are still granted bail privileges. Using a bail bond provided by a local and licensed bail bond agency is one of the fastest and most secure methods of obtaining a release from jail after a felony arrest.

Continue reading to learn what you can expect from felony bail bond services, including the average cost of a felony charge bail bond and the usual terms and conditions it comes with.

Federal Bail Bonds Hamilton County Indiana 317-919-2489
Federal Bail Bonds Hamilton County Indiana 317-919-2489

What You Need to Know About Bail Bond Prices

When it comes to the average cost of a felony bail bond, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that bail bond prices are regulated by the state, more specifically the Department of Insurance. This means you can count on bail bond prices being as economical as possible, and therefore reasonable for most consumers. State regulation on bail bonds prevents shady or unethical bail bond companies from overcharging clients based on their own personal beliefs or prejudice, or price gouging those who appear wealthier than other clients.

Now for the bad news. Although bail bond prices are regulated by the state, there is still a range of discretion for bail bond agents. Right now, Indiana bail bond companies are permitted to charge anywhere from 10% to 15% of a person’s bail bond premium.

For instance, if a defendant’s, bail is set for $10,000, a bail bondsman can legally charge anywhere from $1,000 to $1,500 for a bail bond. That is 10% to 15% of $10,000. It is important to take note that, in all cases, bail bond fees are nonrefundable.

Average Bail Bond Price for a Felony Arrest

When it comes to paying for bail bond for a felony arrest. Defendant, you can expect the price to be just a bit more than someone who was arrested on a misdemeanor charge. That is because the bail bond agency is taking on more liability. In most cases, felony bail bond prices are still very fair and on the lower end for first time or non-habitual offenders.

For felony defendants who have been arrested for felony charges or convicted of felonies in the past, they can expect their bail bond price to be higher. For those who have fled the court system before, they may be given the highest bail bond price or denied bail bond service altogether.

Are you looking for a qualified Noblesville IN bail bond company to get your loved one out of jail after being arrested on felony charges? Contact Uptown Bail Bonds at 317-919-2489 for the fastest and most affordable bail bonds in Hamilton County, Indiana. We operate 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, so there is always an Indianapolis bail agency and invited to your call!

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FAQS About Bail Bond Prices

Noblesville Bail Bondsman 317-919-2489

Noblesville Bail Bondsman 317-919-2489

There are so many questions that run through a person’s head when they get the news that a friend or loved one has just been arrested. And rightfully so; learning of a loved one’s arrest is alarming enough, but undertaking the responsibility of posting their bond is another level of stress. Fortunately, you can get anyone out of jail with the help of a local bail bondsman, so long as their charge is not murder. A bail bondsman will ask you for some pertinent information regarding your loved one’s situation.

So before calling a bail bond agency, have this information ready to go if you can:

➜ First and Last Name
➜ City/County of Arrest
➜ County Jail (optional)
➜ Booking Number(optional)
➜ Bond Amount

If you know the first and last name of the person who was arrested, as well as the county they were arrested in, the bail bondsman can secure the county jail and booking number for you. However, having this information ready for the bail agent makes the process a little more efficient.

Bail Bond Prices

Hamilton County Bail Bonds 317-919-2489317-919-2489

Hamilton County Bail Bonds 317-919-2489

Aside from having questions about obtaining a bail bond and release from jail, almost everyone has questions about bail bond prices. And you can never be too informed when it comes to money. Continue below for some of the most frequently asked questions regarding this topic, and perhaps get some answers for yourself before contacting the bail bond company.

Can a Bail Bondsman Offer a Discount on the Bail Bond Premium?

No matter what you’ve heard about bail bond discounts, they simply do not exist. If prices among bail bondsmen differ, it is because individual agencies are choosing a different state-regulated minimum and maximum for bail bonds. See below.

Is One Bail Bondsman Cheaper Than Another?

There are cheaper bail bonds in some counties as compared to others. It all depends on what the Department of Insurance allows, and whatever a bondsman chooses to sell their services for. The general state minimum and maximum is 10 to 15%, but some are as low as 8%. Talk to your trusted bail bondsman for the current state minimum for bail bonds.

What Collateral Do Bail Bond Companies Accept?

Acceptable collateral for bail bonds vary among bail bondsmen. It is usually a personal preference as to what they will and will not accept, and also personal discretion as to who they choose to accept it from. Examples of collateral commonly accepted in the bail bonds industry include real estate, cars, credit cards, stocks, bonds, bank accounts, jewelry, and personal credit.

Hamilton County Bail Bonds

Hamilton County Bail Bonds

Hamilton County Bail Bonds 317-919-2489

Call Uptown Bail Bonds at 317-919-2489 for Hamilton County bail bonds you can trust. We offer 24 hour bail bond services in Noblesville and its surrounding neighborhoods. Contact us anytime to request free estimates and jail information, or to perform an inmate search. Our Noblesville bail bondsmen are eager to get you out of jail in Hamilton County, Indiana.

Why Are Bail Bonds Non-Refundable?

The number one question all bail bondsmen get from phone calls and clients has to do with paying for bail bonds. So many people want to know if they’ll receive their money back after a trial or case has closed, or when a defendant completes probation. The quick answer is that bail bonds are not refundable, ever. Just like buying a share of stock, you cannot ask or get your money back once you have agreed to the transaction. Continue reading to learn more about why bail bonds cannot be refunded, and who you can trust for accurate and honest answers to all your bail bond questions.

Non-Refundable Bail Bonds

Although a popular circulating question, lawyers, police officers, and jail staff might not have the appropriate answer for you. It is always best to consult a licensed bail bondsman directly for accurate and updated answers to questions about bail. No matter what ends up happening in court, a defendant cannot get a refund for bail bond services. And all bail bond agencies will inform clients upfront that there are no refunds for their services.

The reason bail bonds are not refundable has to do with liability. A bail bond company is assuming all responsibility for a client, in terms of bond amount and initial court appearances. If a person fails to appear for their initial scheduled court date following their arrest, the bail bond company that provided their services will have to forfeit all of the money they “put up” for the defendant’s release from jail.

So if a person’s bond is set at $10,000, they can either pay that money in-whole to the jail to be released, OR, they can purchase a bail bond for 10-15% of that amount (Ten to fifteen percent is the standard Indiana rate for bail bonds). That 10 to 15% is non-refundable because if the defendant misses or skips their court hearing, the bail bond company does not get back the $10,000 THEY paid to have their client released from jail.

Murello’s Uptown Bail Bonds

Bail Bonds Boone County Indiana

Bail Bonds Boone County Indiana 317-919-2489

Call Uptown Bail Bonds at 317-919-2489 for prompt and professional 24 hour bail bond services in Noblesville, Indiana. We are licensed, bonded, and insured bail bondsmen with decades of experience in the indemnity industry. We offer a wide variety of bail bonds, as well as, notary services, jail pickup and drop off, inmate searches, and more! Call 317-919-2489 to get out of jail in Hamilton County, IN today.